
Data, Info and News of Life and Economy

Daily Archives: December 27, 2023

Humour: News in Cartoon

社論: 重溫實事求是思想路線

45年,崢嶸歲月稠。1978年年底召開的 中共十一屆三中全會,重新確定實事求是思想 路線,果斷結束「以階級鬥爭為綱」,將全黨工作重點轉移到經濟建設上來,掀起了改革開放序幕。改革開放成為決定當代中國前途命運的關鍵一招。紀念改革開放45周年,不只是回顧過往的艱難歷程,不忘初心,更是為了凝聚共識,斬棘向前。



只有實事求是,才能收拾亂局,直面挑戰。「文革」期間,國民經濟瀕臨崩潰,官方卻仍堅稱「形勢大好」,且「越來越好」,實則民生凋敝、貧窮落後,不僅與發達國家的差距越拉越大,而且被正在騰飛的周邊國家和地區遠遠甩在後面。 知恥近乎勇。唯有靠實事求是,中國才能跳出「絕對貧困陷阱」。


只有實事求是,才能勇敢調整對外政策,與世界接軌。在改革開放前的很長一 段時間,向先進國家學習被視作「崇洋媚外」,國門緊閉,領導層和民眾都對外部世界懵懵懂懂。1978年前後的官員學者出國考察熱,讓更多人看到世界的真面貌, 意識到中外巨大差距,進而產生奮起直追的強烈緊迫感,加緊全面調整內外政策。

只有實事求是,才能平反大量冤假錯案。平反冤假錯案,就是把顛倒了的是非糾正過來。一度由於「兩個凡是」等因素進展緩慢的平反工作,自十一屆三中全會起提速。據不完全統計,到1982年底,全國共平反、糾正約300萬幹部的冤假錯 案,恢復47萬多名黨員黨籍。通過平反,還了公道,順了人心,也彌補了人才斷 層。


只有繼續堅持實事求是,才能解決改革遇到的真問題。45年的改革開放,取得 了舉世公認的偉大成就,但是,人民日益增長的美好生活需要和不平衡不充分的發展之間的矛盾依然突出。當前,民營經濟增長乏力,社會預期轉弱,財政金融風險顯露,社會保障問題日益嚴峻等等,不僅事關國計,也波及民生。直面真問題,方能解決真問題。

只有繼續堅持實事求是,才能進一步解放思想。近年來,中央嚴查形式主義官僚主義,其實質是唯書唯上而不唯實的資本主義和教條主義。上級沒有說的,不敢說;文件沒有提的,不敢想;領導沒有安排的,不敢做。而改革開放的一條寶貴經 驗則是「看準了的,就大膽地試,大膽地闖」。14億人民是改革開放的主體,改革開放要續寫讓世界刮目相看的新奇跡,就必須充分發揮他們的能動性和創造性。

只有繼續堅持實事求是,才能及時糾正某些不當政策。近幾年,一些地方和部門收縮性政策頻出,傷害了企業,也削弱了市場預期。收縮性政策的背後,存在著 一套背離實事求是路線的治理邏輯和行為方式。近來,中央多次強調謹慎出台收縮性、抑制性舉措,這既有助於政策優化,也是實事求是的重申。 只有繼續堅持實事求是,才能成功應對層出不窮的外部挑戰。當前,全球化遭遇逆流,民粹主義思潮泛濫,「脫鉤斷鏈」日甚一日,地緣沖突彼伏此起。作為「負責任的大國」,中方多次重申,一向按照事情本身的是非曲直決定自己的立場和政策。此外,還應準確評估自身力量,不卑亦不亢。這是事關中國國際處境和道德形象的大問題。

改革開放是一次偉大覺醒,這一覺醒以「真理標準大討論」作為先導,體現了 歷史進程的嚴密邏輯和當時決策的有章有法。改革永遠在路上,實事求是便是指路明燈。如今,身處改革的「深水區」,面對難啃的「硬骨頭」,淋漓盡致體現實事求是精神的十一屆三中全會,將給我們提供無盡的啟示。

Source : 財新周刊

Infographic: Government Debt by Country, in Advanced Economies

See large image . . . . . .

Source : Visual Capitalist

Japan’s Business Service Price Growth Holds at 30-Year High

Mia Glass wrote . . . . . . . . .

The rise in Japan’s business service prices held steady at a three-decade high, in a development likely to fuel speculation that the Bank of Japan will inch its way toward normalizing policy in coming months.

The country’s services producer price index, a gauge measuring the costs of a range of goods and services provided by businesses to other firms and government entities, rose 2.3% in November from a year earlier, the BOJ said Tuesday. It was the second month of 2.3% gains, the fastest since April 1992 when excluding periods when there were sales tax increases. The rise was a tad slower than the consensus call for a 2.4% gain.

Hotels, internet advertising, and road transportation were some of the highest contributors to the yearly change, the data showed. Hotels in particular rose 51.8% compared with the previous year on the back of a post-pandemic surge in inbound tourism and domestic demand for travel.

Japan’s main consumer inflation gauges eased in November, but service prices rose at the fastest clip since October 1993, indicating that broader inflation may be moving beyond temporary cost-push factors.

In a speech Monday, BOJ Governor Kazuo Ueda said that underlying inflation may hold steady. He noted that while some have argued prices and wages will stop growing if import price pressure wanes, he’s more optimistic. He’s hopeful “that this time around, Japan’s economy will get out of the low-inflation environment and achieve a virtuous cycle between wages and prices,” he said.

About two-thirds of economists forecast the end of negative interest rates by April, according to a Bloomberg survey.

Source : BNN Bloomberg

London Gold Price Benchmark Breaks All-time High, LBMA Says

London’s gold price benchmark hit an all-time high of $2,069.40 per troy ounce at an afternoon auction on Wednesday, surpassing the previous record of $2,067.15 set in August 2020, the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) said.

“I can think of no clearer demonstration of gold’s role as a store of value than the enthusiasm with which investors across the world have turned to the metal during the recent economic and geopolitical turmoils,” said LMBA’s chief executive officer Ruth Crowell.

LBMA is a leading bullion trade body that certifies gold refiners, allowing them access to London’s bullion market, the world’s largest. The LBMA Gold Price is the global benchmark price for unallocated gold delivered in London.

The London gold price opened the year on Jan. 3 at $1,835.05 and has since risen by 12.7%, LBMA said. Since the turn of the century, the price has increased more than seven-fold.

In the spot market, gold prices hit their highest in more than three weeks in anticipation of U.S. interest rate cuts next year.

Source : Reuters