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Daily Archives: May 29, 2024

Humour: News in Cartoon

Chart: Global Food Commodity Prices Return to 2021 Levels

Source : Statista

Chinese Firms Are Considered a Key Part Of AI + Robotics

Boying Ji wrote . . . . . . . . .

Since 2021, China has emerged as a dominant player in the global AI-powered robotics supply chain. This analysis will delve into the strengths of Chinese companies in this sector, focusing on factors that have enabled their rise. The discussion will center on the following aspects: government support, investment, R&D capabilities, talent pool, manufacturing prowess, and global partnerships.

Government Support

The Chinese government has been instrumental in fostering the growth of the AI and robotics industry. The “New Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Plan” released in 2017 and the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) has prioritized the development of AI, robotics, and related industries as a national strategy. This supportive policy environment has created a conducive ecosystem for Chinese companies to thrive, allowing them to access resources, funding, and markets.


China has seen a surge in investment in the AI and robotics sectors. According to a report by the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT), the country’s AI industry attracted over $40 billion in investment between 2016 and 2021. This influx of capital has fueled the growth of AI-powered robotics companies and enabled them to undertake ambitious projects and expand their operations.

R&D Capabilities

Chinese companies have made significant strides in research and development in the field of AI-powered robotics. In 2021, China accounted for 23.3% of the world’s total AI research publications, surpassing the United States for the first time. This is a clear indication of the growing capabilities and focus on AI research within the country.

Companies such as Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent, and Bytedance have been at the forefront of AI research and have consistently invested in R&D to develop cutting-edge AI-powered robotics solutions. For instance, Baidu’s Apollo project aims to develop autonomous driving technology, while Alibaba’s A.I. Labs focuses on robotics research for various applications, including logistics, healthcare, and retail.

Talent Pool

China has a vast talent pool in the fields of AI and robotics. The country has the highest number of AI researchers globally, with over 18,200 professionals in 2021. Furthermore, China has a strong education system that produces a high number of STEM graduates each year, which further bolsters the available talent pool.

The availability of skilled professionals has allowed Chinese companies to develop advanced AI-powered robotics solutions and compete with their international counterparts.

Manufacturing Prowess

China’s unrivaled manufacturing capabilities have played a crucial role in the growth of AI-powered robotics companies. The country is the world’s largest producer of robots, accounting for 38% of global production in 2021. Chinese manufacturers have been able to leverage their expertise in electronics, hardware, and component manufacturing to create cost-effective and high-quality robotics solutions.

China remains the world’s largest producer of robots by far. In 2021, China manufactured 343,300 industrial robots, accounting for 43% of global production. This is expected to continue growing in the coming years. Chinese robotics companies are leveraging the country’s strong manufacturing base for electronics, hardware, and components to produce cost-effective and high-quality AI-powered robots at scale. Companies like Xiaomi, DJI, and Geek+ have benefited from China’s manufacturing prowess to drive down costs and expand operations.

The unit production cost of industrial robots in China is about half of that in countries like Japan, the U.S., and South Korea. This lower cost base gives Chinese robotics companies a competitive advantage in the global market. Chinese robotics manufacturers are investing heavily in new technologies like 5G, cloud networking, computer vision, and machine learning to develop the next generation of smarter, AI-powered robots. For example, companies like Ubtech, Siasun, and CloudMinds are commercializing AI-powered service robots. The Chinese government is supporting the transition of traditional manufacturers towards AI-powered robotics through initiatives like the “Made in China 2025” plan. The government is providing subsidies, tax breaks, and other incentives for robotics companies. Chinese robotics companies are forming strategic joint ventures and partnerships with global leaders to gain access to advanced technologies and international clients. For example, Alibaba has a joint venture with Astrobotic to develop lunar rovers.

Elephant Robotics, a Chinese high-tech company specializing in robot R&D, platform software development, and intelligent manufacturing services, told EqualOcean that their goal is to lead the robotics industry by revolutionizing intelligent manufacturing, commercial applications, scientific research, education, and home companion, creating an “Enjoy Robots World” for all. The company has expanded its business to the global market and has sold over ten thousand robots in 2021. According to Lisha Qiu, head of the overseas brand of Elephant Robotics, Microsoft has been exploring how to make natural human-robot interactions possible using OpenAI’s new AI language model, ChatGPT. In the work, they used ChatGPT in a manipulation scenario with a robot arm. They used conversational feedback to teach the model how to compose the originally provided APIs into more complex high-level functions: that ChatGPT coded by itself. Using a curriculum-based strategy, the model was able to chain these learned skills together logically to perform operations such as stacking blocks.

Microsoft used Elephant Robotics’ arm robots to do this human-robot interaction experiment, which shows the importance of Chinese robot manufacturers in the AI robots’ supply chains.

Global Partnerships

Chinese companies have formed strategic partnerships with international companies and research institutions to enhance their AI-powered robotics capabilities. For instance, Tencent has collaborated with UK-based DeepMind to explore AI research, while Alibaba has partnered with Siemens to develop industrial IoT and AI solutions.

These collaborations have helped Chinese companies to access advanced technologies, exchange knowledge, and expand their global market presence.

However Chinese companies are still facing a number of challenges in the global market:

Data security and privacy concerns: There are growing concerns that Chinese robotics companies may share data with the Chinese government, raising privacy and national security issues. This hampers their ability to expand in markets like the US and Europe.

Lack of brand recognition: Many Chinese robotics companies are relatively new and lack the brand recognition of established international players. This makes it difficult for them to expand and compete globally, especially in consumer markets.

Dependency on foreign technology: Chinese robotics companies still rely on importing some critical technologies like CPUs, sensors, and software from foreign companies. This makes their supply chains vulnerable to trade tensions and export controls.

Quality and reliability issues: Some Chinese robotics products, especially consumer drones and service robots, have faced quality issues that hurt their reputation in global markets. Companies will need to improve reliability to succeed internationally.

Competition from established players: Chinese robotics companies have to compete with well-established global players from countries like the US, Japan, Korea, and Europe. This makes it challenging for them to gain market share in the international arena.

Skepticism around Chinese technology: There is some broader skepticism and lack of trust around Chinese technology due to issues like data security, IP theft, and government support. This poses a barrier for Chinese robotics companies.


In conclusion, the strengths of Chinese companies in the world’s AI-powered robotics supply chain are largely attributed to robust government support, significant investment, growing R&D capabilities, a vast talent pool, strong manufacturing capabilities, and strategic global partnerships. These factors have propelled China to the forefront of the AI-powered robotics industry and enabled its companies to compete with global giants. As the demand for AI-powered robotics solutions continues to rise, Chinese companies are well-positioned to capitalize on this growth and strengthen their position in the global supply chain. while Chinese robotics companies have many strengths that have enabled their rapid growth within China, they still face significant challenges in truly establishing themselves as leaders in the global market. Overcoming issues around data security, brand recognition, dependence on foreign tech, quality, and skepticism will be key to their international success.

Source : Equal Ocean

Infographic: How Popular Snack Brand Logos Have Changed

Long Read: Toxic Gaslighting – How 3M Executives Convinced a Scientist the Forever Chemicals She Found in Human Blood Were Safe

Sharon Lerner wrote . . . . . . . . .

Kris Hansen had worked as a chemist at the 3M Corporation for about a year when her boss, an affable senior scientist named Jim Johnson, gave her a strange assignment. 3M had invented Scotch Tape and Post-­it notes; it sold everything from sandpaper to kitchen sponges. But on this day, in 1997, Johnson wanted Hansen to test human blood for chemical contamination.

Several of 3M’s most successful products contained man-made compounds called fluorochemicals. In a spray called Scotchgard, fluorochemicals protected leather and fabric from stains. In a coating known as Scotchban, they prevented food packaging from getting soggy. In a soapy foam used by firefighters, they helped extinguish jet-fuel fires. Johnson explained to Hansen that one of the company’s fluorochemicals, PFOS — short for perfluorooctanesulfonic acid — often found its way into the bodies of 3M factory workers. Although he said that they were unharmed, he had recently hired an outside lab to measure the levels in their blood. The lab had just reported something odd, however. For the sake of comparison, it had tested blood samples from the American Red Cross, which came from the general population and should have been free of fluorochemicals. Instead, it kept finding a contaminant in the blood.

Johnson asked Hansen to figure out whether the lab had made a mistake. Detecting trace levels of chemicals was her specialty: She had recently written a doctoral dissertation about tiny particles in the atmosphere. Hansen’s team of lab technicians and junior scientists fetched a blood sample from a lab-­supply company and prepped it for analysis. Then Hansen switched on an oven-­size box known as a mass spectrometer, which weighs molecules so that scientists can identify them.

As the lab equipment hummed around her, Hansen loaded a sample into the machine. A graph appeared on the mass spectrometer’s display; it suggested that there was a compound in the blood that could be PFOS. That’s weird, Hansen thought. Why would a chemical produced by 3M show up in people who had never worked for the company?

Hansen didn’t want to share her results until she was certain that they were correct, so she and her team spent several weeks analyzing more blood, often in time-consuming overnight tests. All the samples appeared to be contaminated. When Hansen used a more precise method, liquid chromatography, the results left little doubt that the chemical in the Red Cross blood was PFOS.

Hansen now felt obligated to update her boss. Johnson was a towering, bearded man, and she liked him: He seemed to trust her expertise, and he found something to laugh about in most conversations. But, when she shared her findings, his response was cryptic. “This changes everything,” he said. Before she could ask him what he meant, he went into his office and closed the door.

This was not the first time that Hansen had found a chemical where it didn’t belong. A wiry woman who grew up skiing competitively, Hansen had always liked to spend time outdoors; for her chemistry thesis at Williams College, she had kayaked around the former site of an electric company on the Hoosic River, collecting crayfish and testing them for industrial pollutants called polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs. Her research, which showed that a drainage ditch at the site was leaking the chemicals, prompted a news story and contributed to a cleanup effort overseen by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection. At 3M, Hansen assumed that her bosses would respond to her findings with the same kind of diligence and care.

Hansen stayed near Johnson’s office for the rest of the day, anxiously waiting for him to react to her research. He never did. In the days that followed, Hansen sensed that Johnson had notified some of his superiors. She remembers his boss, Dale Bacon, a paunchy fellow with gray hair, stopping by her desk and suggesting that she had made a mistake. “I don’t think so,” she told him. In subsequent weeks, Hansen and her team ordered fresh blood samples from every supplier that 3M worked with. Each of the samples tested positive for PFOS.

In the middle of this testing, Johnson suddenly announced that he would be taking early retirement. After he packed up his office and left, Hansen felt adrift. She was so new to corporate life that her office clothes — pleated pants and dress shirts — still felt like a costume. Johnson had always guided her research, and he hadn’t told Hansen what she should do next. She reminded herself of what he had said — that the chemical wasn’t harmful in factory workers. But she couldn’t be sure that it was harmless. She knew that PCBs, for example, were mass-produced for years before studies showed that they accumulate in the food chain and cause a range of health issues, including damage to the brain. The most reliable way to gauge the safety of chemicals is to study them over time, in animals and, if possible, in humans.

What Hansen didn’t know was that 3M had already conducted animal studies — two decades earlier. They had shown PFOS to be toxic, yet the results remained secret, even to many at the company. In one early experiment, conducted in the late ’70s, a group of 3M scientists fed PFOS to rats on a daily basis. Starting at the second-lowest dose that the scientists tested, about 10 milligrams for every kilogram of body weight, the rats showed signs of possible harm to their livers, and half of them died. At higher doses, every rat died. Soon afterward, 3M scientists found that a relatively low daily dose, 4.5 milligrams for every kilogram of body weight, could kill a monkey within weeks. (Based on this result, the chemical would currently fall into the highest of five toxicity levels recognized by the United Nations.) This daily dose of PFOS was orders of magnitude greater than the amount that the average person would ingest, but it was still relatively low — roughly comparable to the dose of aspirin in a standard tablet.

[ . . . . . . . ] continue to read at the source . . . . . . . .

Source : ProPublica